How To Have a VSCO Picture Perfect Prom

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The time has come! It’s the last dance party of your high school career! You’ve come way too far for way too long, don’t ruin it by making one of these critical Prom party fouls.

From dresses, pictures, to hair, make up and dates…we covered everything that could derail your Prom experience.


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Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

1. Not Testing Out Your Make Up and Wardrobe in Pictures

Make Up Mistake. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Some dresses are see through in flash photography or in certain light. Some make up also turns white in flash photography.

Dress Mistake. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

These are things you don’t want to find out the morning after Prom on social media!

Don’t let this happen to you!

Make sure you do a dress rehearsal before Prom and be sure to take pictures of yourself in different lighting to avoid the embarrassment. This will also give you the chance to purchase the right undergarments if needed.

2. Not Being Prepared For Your Period

Prom mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

If your Prom is scheduled anywhere near your period be sure to wear a panty liner, bring Motrin, and any sanitary napkins of your choice.

Stress and excitement, whether it’s good or bad, can make your period come early.

You don’t want to be caught unprepared.

3. Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes

Prom Shoes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

If you’re going to sport sky high heels make sure they are comfortable enough to walk and dance in. Try wearing them out before Prom to test them out.

Gold Prom Shoes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

If you’re going to end up having to take them off anyway during Prom what’s the point?

If you MUST wear those uncomfortable shoes atleast be sure to bring bandaids with you incase your feet get blisters.

Bring Bandaids for Prom Shoes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

We’ve had our feet bleeding from uncomfortable shoes and it was not only embarrassing but ruined the night, not to mention the next morning!

4. Not Getting Enough Sleep Before The Event

Beauty sleep. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

You’re excited, we get it, you have a lot of energy, but you also need plenty of sleep.

The last thing you want to be is sleepy or groggy at Prom, or look like you are, so get your beauty sleep.

For 11 of the easiest ways to fall asleep click here!

If excitement keeps you from sleeping the night before then be sure to catch a nap the next day or sleep in.

When we’re sleep deprived we get more emotional and tend not to remember events as clearly.

You want to be present, alert, and ready to dance the night away.

5. Arriving To Prom Drunk

Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and date mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

“She was coming on to me like a drunken Prom date.” – unknown, from some movie

Actually don’t drink at all. For one it’s illegal and two, you won’t make it to the end of Prom!

You’ll get sleepy, embarrass yourself, be a burden to your friends, and won’t remember a darn thing. You might as well miss your Prom and if you humiliate yourself you’ll wish you did (especially when you see it on social media the next morning)!

Not to sound like your parents but drinking is HIGHLY OVERRATED and going to a formal party that doesn’t revolve around alcohol and drunk people is actually a rarity in adult hood. ENJOY IT!

6. Going With A Bad Date

Dresses, Pictures, Make Up, Shoes, and date mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Don’t go with a date just for the sake of having a date. Go with a date you really like or know you’ll have a good time with. Don’t use Prom to take a chance on someone you’re luke warm about. Go with a friend!

Pictures, Dresses, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and date mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

7. Comparing Your Prom To The Movies

Dresses, Pictures, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and date mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.
VSCO Relationshipg

You can thank movies like She’s All That, Twilight, and American Pie for making teens think a successful Prom has to be dramatic or climactic.

This isn’t a cheesy 90’s teen movie this is real life, your life. You’ll have plenty of jitters and excitement just going to Prom and dealing with the end of school who needs anymore added stress and pressure?!

We’re hoping this trend died in the 90’s but in case it didn’t, don’t put pressure on yourself to lose your virginity on Prom night, have a bad break up with your boyfriend, or have a big dramatic confrontation with the mean girls at school.

All are not necessary for a successful Prom night, only a stressful one.

8. Getting A New Hair Cut Or Trying A New Make Up Artist

Prom Hair and Make up mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

This probably isn’t the time to try a brand new haircut you’ve never had before especially if it’s drastic, or a new make up artist.

Unless you’re feeling particularly adventurous play it safe and go with what you know you’ll love.

9. Thinking This Should Be The Best Night Of Your Life

Prom Pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

If you can’t afford that designer dress, couldn’t get your dream date, or made any of the mistakes on this list, it’s not the end of the world…it’s just the beginning.

Prom Pictures, Dresses, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and date mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.
pintrest @annakhammes ★ vsco @annahammes ★ insta @anna.hammes

Make Prom the best it can be but know there are plenty of great celebrations ahead. This is the last party of your high school career but it hopefully won’t be the last party of your life.

Prom Pictures, Dresses, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and date mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

What makes Prom magical is that it’s the kick off to your life, not the main event, so have fun and enjoy it without the pressure. If you’re not in the spirit or still nervous the video clip below will do the trick, we promise!

We hope these tips help you have the best Prom you could possibly have! Be safe, relax, and enjoy one of the most exciting times in your life!

If you have any other tips feel free to leave them in the comments section below.





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Couple Picture, Dresses, Pictures, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and Date Mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom. #HighSchool


Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Couple Picture, Dresses, Pictures, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and Date Mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom. #HighSchool

Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Prom mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

Prom tips and mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom. Prom tips and mistakes to avoid. Dresses, make up, shoes, pictures, and dates. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom.

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Couple Picture, Dresses, Pictures, Make Up, Hair, Shoes, and Date Mistakes. A Checklist of what will ruin Prom. #HighSchool

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